Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Time To Start Calling "Bullshit"...

Here is a little interactive task for you. It's not hard, and it's interesting. Inspirational even. Go to you tube and search, "Jeff Daniels, Why America isn't the Greatest Country" Watch it, and then come back to me. The rest of my post won't make sense if you don't do that.

Ok? Great wasn't it? One of the best moments on television that many of us will ever see. It represents all of the things that so many United States citizens ( I find it hard to say Americans, because that includes Canada and the whole of South America, too..) and many of us in the Western World believe. It is all about the things that made the U.S.A. the greatest nation on Earth. The founding Fathers of U.S. Democracy. The U.S. carrying the banner of Freedom for oppressed peoples all over the world. The great free market economics that proved that anyone can be a success.

Jeff Daniels is the actor in this scene, and he is brilliant. He is spontaneous, passionate, emotive and connects with the viewer. I especially love the way he says that the U.S.A. could do it again. They could be that way again, if they want to.

This is the crux of the whole speech. He is saying that The United States could be the great nation it once was. I have watched this clip dozens of times and I always enjoy that moment.

I also believe it's Bullshit.

The United States can never  again become the nation it was, and there is a whole Cuban boatload of reasons why it can't.

One of the big reasons is because the people themselves don't want to. There are many idealistic, committed people in the United states today who want nothing more than to fight for what is right, to free the oppressed, to give to the poor. Many of them put their money where their mouths are, and make great personal sacrifices to do good for others. The problem lies in the fact that all of these people put together would not make a blip on the political radar when compared to those who are happy to pledge money to a cause or sign a petition, as long as it doesn't affect their quality of life, or impinge on their leisure time, and THOSE people are absolutely NOTHING compared to the vast bulk of United States citizens who just Don't Give A Damn.

Let's face it, most United States citizens don't care unless it affects THEM. So talking about history and greatness and glory, are fine. They can accept that critique, and say "yes, we are part of one of the Great Nations of History", and many still carry that myth into today. Asking them to revive that Glory is another problem, and they will never achieve it. Why? Because it's hard.

Returning the United States to the position of Moral World Leader would take hard work and sacrifice. (Whether the U.S.A. ever deserved the title is a moot point, but I digress).
The bottom line is that the U.S.A. doesn't want to do the hard work. They would have to surrender their irresponsible Budgetry policies. They would have to introduce equitable economic practices and distribute wealth more evenly through their society. They would need to stop being so heavy-handed in the Diplomatic arena. They would have to open up their political arena to minor parties and abolish the vote buying system that dominates politics now. They would have to stop selling good ideas to the highest bidder, and start giving them to the population, for free. They would need to reduce their Military spending and give free medical treatment to the people that need it.

If the U.S.A. want to become the nation that the world looks up to, once more, then that is where they need to START. They won't. It's hard. The U.S. doesn't want to do hard any more. They want comfort, and relaxation, and continuation of dominance. If they can't have those things in real life, then they will tell themselves they have them, until someone smacks them in the face with the proof that they don't.

Nice try Mr Daniels, but I'm afraid it won't work. Not at this point in history, anyway.

And why am I, an Australian, writing such scathing things about a country that is not my own? Why do I dare to criticise another country? Well, because Australia prides itself on giving people a fair go. On mateship, sticking up for the under-dog, helping a mate when he's down on his luck, and for fighting on the side that is right.

I'm worried that Jeff Daniels could be talking about Australia, very soon.


  1. I am worried about the same thing!

  2. My apolgies...didn't realise the link wouldn't work...revised now...
